Conference report: GLBIO2019

I just returned from another great experience at Great Lakes Bio 2019 (#GLBIO2019), a regional meeting of the International Society of Computational Biologists (ISCB). Below I’ll summarize briefly a few of the talks that I found most interesting to me personally (there were several parallel tracks, so I did not attend all talks).

Docker workshop taught by Sara Stevens

On Sunday of the conference, I attended a 3-hour workshop introducing Docker technology held in the beautiful and very modern Wisconsin Institutes of Discovery building. The course was taught by Sara Stevens, an expert in data science and bioinformatics with the data science hub at UWisconsin-Madison.

We worked through an initial “hello world” application of Docker on our laptops, writing a Dockerfile that became an image and finally a container instance of that image:

mchiment@MNE762:~/Desktop/docker-playground/my-greeting$cat Dockerfile 
#specify the base image
FROM alpine
#specify what to build
RUN /bin/echo "greeting!" > /root/my_message
#give default command
CMD ["/bin/cat", "/root/my_message"]

Then we progressed into more complex Dockerfile builds, including one that would install a mini-python distro and run a program. This included installing some libraries with pip within the image, and running a script.

Overall, I learned a lot and got a good grasp of the Docker basics to build upon for future work.

Integrative analysis for fine mapping of genetic variants, Sunduz Keles

In this talk, the issue of how to make sense of GWAS data was addressed. If you have a collection of SNPs, how to you follow up with which genes to study, which mechanisms to propose, etc… This talk introduced a tool, atSNP Search, which uses transcription factor position-weight matrices (PWMs) and assesses the impact of a SNP on TF DNA-binding activity within the local area of the SNP using the PWMs.

From the website:

atSNP identifies and quantifies best DNA sequence matches to the transcription factor PWMs with both the reference and the SNP alleles in a small window around the SNP location (up to +/- 30 base pairs and considering subsequences spanning the SNP position). It evaluates statistical significance of the match scores with each allele and calculates statistical significance of the score difference between the best matches with the reference and SNP alleles.

The talk also introduced a method, “FM-HighLD”, which asks whether you can substitute functional annotations of SNPs for “massive parallel reporter arrays” (MPRAs) which are considered “gold standard” for SNP/eQTL function. The idea is to use MPRA results and their correlation to functional annotations to calibrate the model and then apply that to eQTLs or GWAS SNPs with no MPRA results, but functional annotations from public databases.

There is over $4 Billion worth of publicly-funded RNAseq and microarray data in the public repositories. Studies have shown that analysts can spend up to 30% of a project’s time just searching, accessing, downloading, and preprocessing these data. is an attempt to “harmonize” thousands of gene expression datasets by downloading and pre-processing them using a common pipeline and common reference. This is only possible owing to the innovation of pseudo-alignment in methods like kallisto and salmon.

In the background, runs on Amazon Web Services, which gives the project unlimited compute and storage to scale according to their needs. In addition to standardized gene expression processing, sample metadata are also harmonized, where keywords are mapped to standard ontologies for ease of comparison.

Monitoring crude oil spills with 16S and machine-learning, Stephen Techtmann

In this work, Dr. Techtmann’s group was interested in looking at the response of fresh water microbiomes drawn from Lake Superior to the introduction of different types of oil (a complex chemical substance that acts as a carbon food source). Their team drew lake water samples and incubated them with different oils (heavy crude, refined crude, etc…) and then assessed taxonomic abundance using 16S amplicon gene sequencing.

The taxa abundances were used to train a Random Forest model to predict oil contamination status. RF methods produced a model with extremely high accuracy, AUC > 0.9. They found that two taxa predominantly distinguish the oil samples from the lake water samples.

Bcbio RNA-seq ‘under the hood’

Bcbio is a configuration-based pipeline manager for common NGS workflows. It uses a YAML-config file to set all of the inputs and specifications for pipeline. I’ve used bcbio for dozens of RNA-seq projects, but I’ve never known exactly what it is doing during the pipeline itself. This is because in order to see the exact commands being run you have to either dig into the code, or dig through the log files.

Digging through code is difficult because the code base is large and there are many different pieces of code that call each other. Digging through the logs is difficult when there are dozens of samples (each command is repeated dozens of times, leading to log files with thousands of lines). Well, I finally gave in and sorted through the RNA-seq pipeline command logs to identify the unique steps that bcbio (version 1.0.8) is performing in order to produce its results. I was able to identify 21 unique steps that are performed on each sample.

The difficulty of figuring out exactly what a configuration-based pipeline like bcbio is going to do is one argument in favor of using software like snakemake or nextflow to create or adapt existing pipelines, where the actual steps in the pipeline are made very explicit in “process” blocks. I’m going to be writing more about NextFlow in upcoming posts.

Of these 21 steps, 17 steps all deal with creating a BAM file and then manipulating that BAM file or calculating something about the BAM file. The remainder mainly deal with pseudo-alignment using salmon. It’s somewhat ironic that most of the pipeline and computational time is taken up with creating and manipulating BAM files since I only ever use the salmon pseudo-alignments in my downstream analysis.

Here are the 21 steps of the bcbio RNA-seq workflow (I’ve deleted the long, user-specific file paths to show just the commands):

Step 1. Align with Hisat2

hisat2 --new-summary -x bcbio-1.0.8/genomes/Hsapiens/hg38/hisat2/hg38 -p 16 --phred33 --rg-id SW872_CAMTA1_rep1 --rg PL:illumina --rg PU:1_2019-03-11_to_setup_bcbio --rg SM:SW872_CAMTA1_rep1 -1 SW872_CAMTA1_rep1_R1.fastq.gz -2 SW872_CAMTA1_rep1_R2.fastq.gz
--known-splicesite-infile bcbio-1.0.8/genomes/Hsapiens/hg38/rnaseq/ref-transcripts-splicesites.txt 

Step 2/3. Pipe to bamsormadup and redirect to sorted BAM

| bamsormadup inputformat=sam threads=12 tmpfile=work/bcbiotx/tmplsr55j/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort-sorttmp-markdup 
SO=coordinate indexfilename=work/bcbiotx/tmplsr55j/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort.bam.bai >  work/bcbiotx/tmplsr55j/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort.bam

Step 4. Index BAM

samtools index -@ 16 work/align/SW872_TAZ4SA_rep3/SW872_TAZ4SA_rep3-sort.bam /work/bcbiotx/tmpsqOnZQ/SW872_TAZ4SA_rep3-sort.bam.bai

Step 5. Samtools sort by read names

samtools sort -@ 16 -m 2457M -O BAM -n -T work/bcbiotx/tmpqFmCaf/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort.nsorted-sort -o /work/bcbiotx/tmpqFmCaf/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort.nsorted.bam /work/align/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort.bam

Step 6. Sambamba view to select only primary alignments

sambamba view -t 16 -f bam -F "not secondary_alignment" work/align/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort.nsorted.bam> work/bcbiotx/tmp0zhZuj/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort.nsorted.primary.bam

Step 7. FeatureCounts to count primary alignments in BAM

featureCounts -a /Dedicated/IIHG-argon/bcbio-1.0.8/genomes/Hsapiens/hg38/rnaseq/ref-transcripts.gtf -o work/bcbiotx/tmp77coEk/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1.counts -s 0 -p -B -C work/align/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort.nsorted.primary.bam

Step 8. Gffread to write a fasta file with spliced exons

gffread -g /Dedicated/IIHG-argon/bcbio-1.0.8/genomes/Hsapiens/hg38/seq/hg38.fa -w work/bcbiotx/tmpNpBGRC/hg38.fa.tmp /Dedicated/IIHG-argon/bcbio-1.0.8/genomes/Hsapiens/hg38/rnaseq/ref-transcripts.gtf

Step 9. Build the salmon index

salmon index -k 31 -p 16 -i /work/bcbiotx/tmpTQDS7X/hg38 -t work/inputs/transcriptome/hg38.fa

Step 10. Pseudo-alignment and quantification

salmon quant -l IU -i work/salmon/index/hg38 -p 16 --gcBias -o work/bcbiotx/tmpE_RRDN/quant   -1 <(gzip -cd /merged/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1_R1.fastq.gz) -2 <(gzip -cd /merged/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1_R2.fastq.gz) --numBootstraps 30

Step 11. Convert salmon output to sleuth format

Rscript -e 'library("wasabi"); prepare_fish_for_sleuth(c("work/bcbiotx/tmpE_RRDN/quant"))'

Step 12. Downsample BAM file with samtools view

samtools view -O BAM -@ 16 -o work/bcbiotx/tmphaXqSf/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort-downsample.bam -s 42.269 work/align/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort.bam

Step 13. FASTQC on downsampled BAM

export PATH=/Dedicated/IIHG-argon/bcbio-1.0.8/anaconda/bin:$PATH &&  /Dedicated/IIHG-argon/bcbio-1.0.8/galaxy/../anaconda/bin/fastqc -d work/qc/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/bcbiotx/tmpgOv610 -t 16 --extract -o work/qc/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/bcbiotx/tmpgOv610 -f bam work/qc/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort-downsample.bam

Step 14. Run Qualimap RNAseq on BAM

unset DISPLAY && export PATH=/Dedicated/IIHG-argon/bcbio-1.0.8/anaconda/bin:$PATH &&  /Dedicated/IIHG-argon/bcbio-1.0.8/galaxy/../anaconda/bin/qualimap rnaseq -outdir work/bcbiotx/tmpACJXgn/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1 -a proportional -bam work/align/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort.bam -p non-strand-specific -gtf /Dedicated/IIHG-argon/bcbio-1.0.8/genomes/Hsapiens/hg38/rnaseq/ref-transcripts.gtf --java-mem-size=59g

Step 15. A SED command (not sure exactly what it does)

sed -i 's/bam file = .*/bam file = SW872_CAMTA1_rep1.bam/' work/bcbiotx/tmpACJXgn/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/rnaseq_qc_results.txt

Step 16. Mark duplicates on the BAM file

bammarkduplicates tmpfile=work/bcbiotx/tmpNdl3wy/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort-dedup-markdup markthreads=16 I=work/align/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort.bam O=work/bcbiotx/tmprVQeKM/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort-dedup.bam

Step 17. Index de-duplicated BAM file

samtools index -@ 16 work/align/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort-dedup.bam work/bcbiotx/tmpFAzLLT/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort-dedup.bam.bai

Step 18. Use Sambamba view to create duplicate metrics

sambamba view --nthreads 16 --count -F 'duplicate and not unmapped' work/align/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort-dedup.bam >> work/bcbiotx/tmpJS4s1r/dup_metrics.txt

Step 19. Use Sambamba to create mapping metrics

sambamba view --nthreads 16 --count -F 'not unmapped' work/align/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort-dedup.bam >> work/bcbiotx/tmpJS4s1r/dup_metrics.txt

Step 20. Samtools stats on sorted BAM

samtools stats -@ 16 work/align/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort.bam > /work/bcbiotx/tmpUPSiOz/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1.txt

Step 21. Samtools idxstats on sorted BAM

samtools idxstats work/align/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-sort.bam > work/bcbiotx/tmpSKFNZQ/SW872_CAMTA1_rep1-idxstats.txt

Matataki, a new ultrafast read mapper: hope or hype?

tl;dr:  It’s only 2X faster than kallisto; a marginal, rather than “ultra” improvement.  If you’re already using kallisto in your pipelines there’s no reason to switch.   Now onto the blog post: 

Another RNA-seq read aligner

In July, a paper appeared in BMC Bioinformatics: “Matataki: an ultrafast mRNA quantification method for large-scale reanalysis of RNA-Seq data.”   The title seems to imply that Matataki is much faster than anything else out there.  After all, what does ‘ultrafast’ mean unless it’s in comparison to the next fastest method?  The authors claim it also solves a unique problem of large-scale RNA-seq reanalysis that can’t be solved any other way.  Is this true?  Let’s dive into the details and find out.

The authors point out in the introduction that the amount of publicly available RNA-seq data is increasing rapidly and that many would like to do large-scale reanalysis of these datasets.   Reanalysis (including realignment) is necessary because of the large batch effects of using different methods for alignment and quantification.

Although these alignment-free methods such as Sailfish, Kallisto, and RNA-Skim are much faster than the alignment-based methods, the recent accumulation of large-scale sequence data requires development of an even faster method for data management and reanalysis.

Counting unique k-mers

The method itself eschews traditional alignment for a k-mer based read counting approach.  This approach takes two steps:  build an index and quantify the reads against it.  Building the index requires the algorithm to search for all k-mers unique to a gene and also present in all isoforms of that gene (to avoid effects of differential expression of isoforms).  Quantification proceeds by matching the k-mers from a read with the unique k-mers in the index.  If there is only one indexed gene match from several k-mers (with a minimum cutoff set by the user) that read is assigned to the indexed gene.  If there is more than one match to several genes, the read is discarded.

If this sounds a lot like how kallisto operates under the hood, I would agree with you as would the authors:

Similar to Kallisto, our method uses k-mers that appear only once in a gene and quantifies expression from the number of unique k-mers.

Of course, kallisto creates a transcriptome de bruijn graph (tDBG) and uses compatibility classes to decide whether to skip k-mers while hashing a read.  Matataki does not use a tDBG and simply skips along a read using a fixed interval set by the user.   The code also skips the Expectation-Maximization (EM) step found in kallisto and focuses only on gene-level quantification.   These two novel approaches are what set Matataki apart from other pseudo-alignment algorithms, according to the authors.

But does it work?

Well, it appears to.  The authors start by reporting the performance of the method on simulated data using optimized parameters (I’ll discuss this below).  In Figure 2,  they describe the parameter tuning that led to those choices.  For parameter tuning the performance of Matataki on real data, the TPM values from an eXpress run on sample ERR188125 were taken as “ground truth.”  The choice of ‘eXpress’ as their benchmark for real-world dataset quantification is odd, given that eXpress is defunct and has been for some time.  It also takes orders of magnitude longer to complete than a method like sailfish or kallisto.

Fig 2. Comparison of TPM when k was varied. The x-axis shows the TPM values of eXpress, the y-axis shows the TPM values of our method, and the color indicates the indexed k-mer coverage of each gene when changing k from 16 to 56 with a step of 8

Going back to Figure 1 (below) and the performance on simulated data, we can observe accuracy similar to that of kallisto, RSEM, sailfish and other methods  (note that by using a scale from 0.93 to 0.99, the differences between the methods seem exaggerated).  The one simulated sample was created by RSEM from the real sample plus three other related samples.  So perhaps it’s not surprising that RSEM does the best in this comparison overall.

I think it’s important to remember as well that Matataki is being run on this simulated data with optimized parameters for this sample while the other methods are run with “default” parameters.   We don’t know how Figure 1a and 1b would change for other samples, other organisms, and other sequencing types (PE vs. SE, long vs. short, etc…)  It would be enlightening to find out.

Figure 1. Summary of the results using simulation data. a Spearman correlation coefficient with the expected expression and estimated expression values using each method. “Matataki” indicates the results of the proposed method, and “MatatakiSubset” indicates the results of the proposed method without uncovered genes. To compare the gene-level expression profile and transcript-level expression profile, the sum of TPM by each gene was calculated. b Means of absolute difference from the expected expression levels.

So how fast is ‘ultrafast’ anyway?

We finally get to the promised speed improvements near the end of the manuscript, only to find that the speedup relative to kallisto, a method that has been available publicly since at least 2015, is only 2-fold.  Yep, that’s it.  It’s only twice as fast.   This is an incremental improvement, but not a paradigm shift.  In fact, it shows how the leap from alignment to pseudo-alignment was in fact a paradigm shift when kallisto first came out.  It’s been three years and nothing has substantially improved on it.

Fig 3. CPU time comparison.


Finally, the authors end the paper with a section on ‘expected use-cases and limitations’ where they say that the method is only suitable for large-scale reanalysis and not for normal, turn-the-crank RNA-seq.

Nevertheless, Matataki is not suitable for common RNA-Seq purposes because other methods are sufficiently fast and provide better accuracy. For example, a single nucleotide substitution has larger effects in Matataki than in other methods, because even a single point substitution changes the k-mer for 2 k − 1 bases, which ultimately affects the number of k-mers in a transcript and calculation of the TPM value.

For reasons that I don’t understand, the authors promote this tool (which is only 2X faster than kallisto) as being for large-scale reanalysis, yet they performed no large-scale reanalysis to benchmark the tool.   Rather, they used it to perform normal RNA-seq as a benchmark, which they go on to say not to do in the wild.

To sum up, while a 2X speedup is useful, I see no reason to abandon kallisto to pseudoalign and quantify data when doing large scale reanalysis.   Unlike Matataki, kallisto is robust to read errors and it delivers transcript-level estimates that can be later summed to gene level, if you so desire.  It also provides bootstrapped estimates of technical variation, which helps to understand the biological variation as well.   And finally, kallisto integrates nicely with sleuth for DE testing and visualization.

Genomic landscape of metastatic cancer

Integrative genomics sheds new light on metastatic cancer

A new study from the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center has just been released that represents an in-depth look at the genomics of metastatic cancer, as opposed to primary tumors.   This work involved DNA- and RNA-Seq of solid metastatic tumors of 500 adult patients, as well as matched normal tissue sequencing for detection of somatic vs. germline variants.


A good overview of the study at the level of scientific layperson can be found in this press release.  It summarizes the key findings (many of which are striking and novel):

  • A significant increase in mutational burden of metastatic tumors vs. primary tumors.
  • A long-tailed distribution of mutational frequencies (i.e., few genes were mutated at a high rate, yet many genes were mutated).
  • About twelve percent of patients harbored germline variants that are suspected to predispose to cancer and metastasis, and 75% of those variants were in DNA repair pathways.
  • Across the cohort, 37% of patient tumors harbored gene fusions that either drove metastasis or suppressed the cells anti-tumor functions.
  • RNA-Seq showed that metastatic tumors are significantly de-differentiated, and fall into two classes:  proliferative and EMT-like (endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition).

 A brief look at the data

This study provides a high-level view onto the mutational burden of metastatic cancer vis-a-vis primary tumors.  Figure 1C from the paper shows the comparison of mutation rates in different tumor types in the TCGA (The Cancer Genome Atlas) primary tumors and the MET500 (metastatic cohort).

Mutational burden in metastatic cancer compared to primary tumors.


Here we can see that in most cases (colored bars), metastatic cancers had statistically significant increases in mutational rates.   The figure shows that tumors with low mutational rates “sped up” a lot as compared with those primary tumor types that already had high rates.

Supplemental Figure 1d (below) shows how often key tumor suppressor and oncogenes are altered in metastatic cancer vs. primary tumors.  TP53 is found to be altered more frequently in metastatic thyroid, colon, lung, prostate, breast, and bladder cancers.   PTEN is mutated more in prostate tumors.  GNAS and PIK3CA are mutated more in thymoma, although this finding doesn’t reach significance in this case.  KRAS is altered more in colon and esophagus cancers, but again, these findings don’t reach significance after multiple correction.

Comparison of genetic alteration frequencies in metastatic and primary tumors.


One other figure I’d like to highlight briefly is Figure 3C from the paper, shown below:

Molecular structure of novel, potentially activating gene fusions in the metastatic tumors.

I wanted to mention this figure to illustrate the terrifying complexity of cancer.   Knowing which oncogenes are mutated, in which positions, and the effects of those mutations on gene expression networks is not enough to understand tumor evolution and metastasis.  There are also new genes being created that do totally new things, and these are unique on a per tumor basis.   None of the above structures have ever been observed before, and yet they were all seen from a survey of just 500 cancers.   In fact, ~40% of the tumors in the study cohort harbored at least one fusion suspected to be pathogenic.

There is much more to this work, but I will leave it to interested readers to go read the entire study.   I think this work is obviously tremendously important and novel, and represents the future of personalized medicine.  That is, a patient undergoing treatment for cancer will have their tumor or tumors biopsied and sequenced cumulatively over time to understand how the disease has evolved and is evolving, and to ascertain what weaknesses can be exploited for successful treatment.